Friday, August 29, 2014

Dead stars Can perform as Supernovas


Dead stars Can perform as Supernovas

Astronomers have shown that dead stars known as white dwarfs can re-ignite and explode as supernovas.

The discovery appears to solve a mystery surrounding the nature of a particular category of stellar explosions known as Type Iasupernovas.Theorists suspected that white dwarfs could explode due to a disruptive interaction with a companion star, but lacked definitive evidence until now.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Global Warming slowdown


Global warming slowdown 

Currents in the Atlantic could be responsible for a slowdown in temperature rises
The hiatus in the rise in global temperatures could last for another 10 years, according to new research.  Scientists have struggled to explain the so-called pause that began in 1999, despite ever increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.The latest theory says that a naturally occurring 30-year cycle in the Atlantic Ocean is behind the slowdown.The researchers says this slow-moving current could continue to divert heat into the deep seas for another decade.However, they caution that global temperatures are likely to increase rapidly when the cycle flips to a warmer phase.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Extreme Ecosystem Discovered in Antarctic Region


Extreme Ecosystem  Discovered  in Antarctic Region

While the underbelly of Antarctica may not exactly be teeming with life, it certainly supports viable ecosystems.Scientists have pulled up thousands of different types of micro-organisms from Lake Whillans, a large body of water buried 800m under the ice sheet.It proves the dark, cold bottom of Antarctica is not asterile domain.In doing so, it raises the tantalizing prospect that similar benign - albeit challenging - conditions could exist elsewhere in the Solar System.

Geological Backgrounds Of Siberian Traps


 Geological Backgrounds Of Siberian Traps

The Siberian Carton is old, cold and thick, unlike the much younger lithosphere of the WSB, which is young, thin and hot. Furthermore, whereas the Carton has remained stable since the Permian (and probably for a long time before that), the Paleozoic surface of the West Siberian Basin has subsided.
Not only has this resulted in deep burial of the basaltic sequences, but it has helped create substantial oil and gas fields - some of the world's largest (Peterson and Clarke, 1991).

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wonderful Oceans


 Wonderful Oceans

The oceans are unique to our planet. No other planet in our solar system has liquid water. The oceans cover about 70% of the earth’s surface. They contain about 97% of the earth's water supply. Life on earth originated in the seas. The oceans continue to be home to an incredible number of plants and animals.